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If you feel that VandCenter Syd have treated you incorrectly or inappropriately, your first step should be to contact us directly, so that we may solve the problem together and clear up any misunderstandings.

As a first step, we therefore ask that you send your complaint to: info@vandcenter.dk.
You can also send your complaint in hardcopy to our mailing address: VandCenter Syd, Vandværksvej 7, DK-5000 Odense C. Please use the word "Complaint" as the heading in your letter.

Your complaint must include the following:


  • Subject (what is your complaint concerning)
  • Name of contact person (who you have been in contact with from VCS)
  • Date and time of occurrence (when it happened)
  • Your full address and contact information
If you are not satisfied with the decision or solution offered by VCS in response to your complaint, your next step would be to lodge a formal consumer complaint (in accordance with Consumer Complaints Act No. 524 of April 29, 2015).
Formal consumer complaints must be sent to
Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Carl Jacobsens Vej 35
DK-2500 Valby
Access to lodging formal consumer complaints is described in Consumer Complaints Act No. 5 (on Mediation). The initial fee for lodging a formal consumer complaint is DKK 100.00. If it is not possible to settle the matter amicably via mediation, you can decide to bring the complaint before the Danish Consumer Complaints Board (DCCB). The fee for bringing your complaint before the DCCB is DKK 400.00. If the DCCB finds in your favour, the fee will be refunded. The Danish Competition and Consumer Authority may decide to impose individual terms as a condition for the lodging of complaints, e.g. maximum/minimum limits for the value of the disputed amount.